Fishao Lost Valley 2

  • Dunkleosteus is my favorite water dinosaur really? it has to be on and i don’t have 1 for myself 🙁 but here are my top 5 favorite dino fish, mabe u can add some to the game!
    1st. Dunkleosteus
    2nd. Megalodon
    3rd. liopleurodon
    4th. mosasaurus
    5th. tylosaurus
    please add some i see you have my favorate and my 2nd favorite but please try to get the others :)_____________________________________:)_________________________________:)

  • Salty Please add this fish ….. rare black jellyfish.

  • sidhu
  • Jackio

    Salty!!!!!! You should add in this fish right here! It’s called “Baikal Oilfish.” Please add it to C-Mt.

      • Jackio
  • Jackio

    Hey 92llllll! Have you caught the Green Anaconda at Amazon? I used Live Bait. It’s so cool!!!!!!
    Also, look at the size! 6.745! Don’t make fun of me…I know its small. I just started playing this game this morning!

    • These too! 🙂 The first 2 are from the Amazon, and the other one is from Rio Negro. Good luck unless you’ve already caught ’em!!!! 🙂

      • And these babies! =D All from the Amazon if you want to catch them =)

          • Jackio

            Oh u couldn’t? I went there just by having Spin fishing rod. I dont only have Float rod. Hope this helps buddy 🙂

  • Shizu100
    • WanaPlay
  • Shizu100
  • WanaPlay
  • WanaPlay
  • WanaPlay
  • WanaPlay
  • Jackio

    Salty! Please add in these fish to Lost Valley 2!!!!

    Hagfish – Bait: Prehistoric Bait. Stars: 4. Recommended Rod: Power Rod.
    Polypterus Senegalus – Bait: Prehistoric Bait. Stars: 2. Recommended Rod: Simple Rod.
    Plesiosauria – Bait: Prehistoric Bait. Stars: 5. Recommended Rod: Expert Rod.
    Kronosaurus – Bait: Prehistoric Bait. Stars: 5. Recommended Rod: FISHAO Rod.
    Thalassomedon – Bait Prehistoric Bait. Stars: 4. Recommended Rod: Rainbow Rod.

    Hope you like all of these HUMONGOUS Prehistoric Fish! Please add them!!! =D

    • Excuse me Jackio, but a few of these aren’t fish. Plesiosaura, Kronosaurus and possibly maybe Thalassomedon…..are not fishes…so ….I agree with the rest of them!!! :DDD

      • They actually are, but they have been extinct for over 2,000 years. They are still fish though…DINO FISH!!!

        • Well actually there are some Dinosaurs still alive…

          • yeah like crocodiles and some others and hag fish is still alive man it is still alive

          • Crocodile are not dinosaurs. the only subgroup of dinosaurs alive are birds

  • Hey Salty these arent in table espically megalodon And these fish? these are from Fishao

  • WanaPlay

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA This is what are homes used to look like HAHA!!!!!

      • WanaPlay
      • WanaPlay
        • WanaPlay
          • WanaPlay
          • WanaPlay
          • WanaPlay
          • Please try to avoid spamming, I had to delete several of your messages.

  • Hahahahahahahahaha lololol :DDDDDDD 2 Hysterically Hillarious Pictures!! :DDD

    • Shizu100
    • Manger
    • 05160005
  • Fisher_Lenager
  • eric

    hey salty what about the Peytoia nathorsti? Don’t know if its extinct or not.

    • WanaPlay
    • 05160005

      I think I saw that on walking with monsters. It lived over 500 million years ago!

  • Fisher_Lenager
    • Pro-Huntsman

      Wow, you’re an advanced player here, and on that game!! :)))))

        • Pro-Huntsman
          • Fisher_Lenager
          • Pro-Huntsman

            Yes, I will be using Shark Lures with the rest of my Golden Rod 🙂 I hope to catch some monsters!!! :DDD

    • What game is that! That looks EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Fisher_Lenager

        I wanna tell you that Bluegill is 3* ok I wont post anymore Bluegill is 1* I think?!?
        ok I Have now posted lost valley 2 pics Might help you?

        • In that game, u get stars for the weight of fish, not for the rarity.

          • Thats why? i catch zingel streber sometine 1* and 2* I thought It was the colour but both were same

          • That is not true actually. The stars are the amount of points you have for that fish. say you have 3 stars on a bluegill, that means you have caught it 40 to 59 times, if you have a 1 star, you have caught that fish 1 to 19 times. If you have a 2 star, you’ve caught the fish 20 to 39 times. if you caught a 4 star, you have caught that fish 60 to 79 times. And finally, If you have caught a 5 star fish, it means you have caught it 80 or more times! So say I have caught the “Roach” 57 times, It would be a 3 star for me, but as I continue to catch them, the stars continue to add on. I hope this information helps you guys if you play this game!

        • dude, bluegill is 1* it is just how big it is a 3 star when it is heavy but 1* when it is light i have my own account on that game it is lets fish

  • Efrain C. de la Cruz
  • AntonioMKD

    Salty i have problem i loose more then 200 fish bait and nothing i cant caught this fish for daily :/

      • AntonioMKD
        • Pro-Huntsman
          • samvdvegt
          • Pro-Huntsman
          • AntonioMKD
          • Pro-Huntsman

            Well…try about mid evening-ish and about green radar?

    • WanaPlay
      • Pro-Huntsman
        • WanaPlay
          • Pro-Huntsman
          • WanaPlay
          • Pro-Huntsman
          • Pro-Hunstman, please try to avoid posting too many unrelated posts/spam, which has nothing to do with Fishao, thank you.

          • ShayanA91

            I have breed a 5* fish(Danube salmon) but it is not breed in my backyard plz check it and breed my fish again.i breed it in 12000fb plz breed my fish and plz

            plz salty

          • Pro-Huntsman
      • AntonioMKD

        lol its done but i dont give 5 fc just for 1 fish and for daily :3

    • Pro-Huntsman
      • eric
        • Pro-Huntsman
  • Pro-Huntsman
  • Fisher_Lenager

    I was gonna help you with this a second gone then you finished These are pics look

Fishao Lost Valley 2 Download

Fishao Lost Valley 2

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